Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Frights, Camera, Action! - Hauntlywood - Elissabat

Elissabat was the second doll my boyfriend bought me - she was a 'get well' present and he picked her because he liked her gothic look. I probably should have brushed her hair more... Elissabat is an actress with the screen name Veronica Von Vamp. Apparently she has terrible stage fright and is always playing the role of Veronica when in public - which I guess means that when she's acting she's Elissabat playing Veronica playing a character. Confusing. I was puzzled as to how she manages to be a film star when Draculaura can't even show up in her school photos, so I did a shout out to Tumblr. Apparently: It’s a technology thing. Notice how Draculaura only doesn’t show up on class photos, which, in one Webisode, is shown to be done with...

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Wave 1 Apple White

Apple White - the daughter of Snow White and slightly self-obsessed pawn of Milton Grimm. She seems to be turning into a bit of a Marmite style love her or hate her character among the fandom. Personally I don't mind her - I can see why she acts the way she does, having grown up believing that if she didn't follow her story she would cease to exist. It's pretty hard to break out of social norms. Anyway, on with the doll stuff. I actually bought Apple at the same time as Raven, so was at the mercy of the Wonk Eye Fates. As it turns out her eyes seem mostly straight but her eyeshadow appears to be under her eyelid and on the whites of her eyes. Which is kinda weird and makes it look like she hasn't had much sleep lately. Or maybe she's...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Wave 1 Raven Queen

Raven Queen Raven Queen was the first of the Ever After High dolls I picked up along with Apple White (there was a sale at Duncan's Toy Chest (where she was just £9.36), and I am weak). The EAH dolls have much larger, rounder heads than the MH dolls, which initially put me off. However, as I love fairy tales and folklore, and the dolls have such lovely styling, I had to cave in and get one. Or two. Or... Now I have her, I must say she's a very pretty doll and I'm glad I bought her. Raven is definitely my favourite character from the webisodes so far, and I really like that she has a dark aesthetic and yet is not the bad guy. The EAH boxes are incredibly pretty. Design-wise they resemble storybooks, down to the 'pages' on...

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Picture Day Draculaura

Finally free of her box and posing on my shelf. Picture Day Draculaura was the doll that started it all off. My boyfriend bought her for me for my 33rd (yes, you read that right!) birthday. I'd been cooing over the dolls in a local shop, and especially liked Draculaura as she shares my name. I was very amused to find out she's so short as I stand a towering 5ft 1ins myself. Picture Day Draculaura in her box. I have to admit that I kept her in her box for several months. Somehow I convinced myself that if I did that I was a 'proper collector', which seemed way less dorky than being a grown up who happens to like dolls. However, my boyfriend finally convinced me to embrace my doll collecting urges and I have to agree that she looks...

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